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Villa Vittoria la Villa di Posillipo Matrimoni Napoli approfondimenti

La Villa Victoria is one of the most exclusive resorts of Posillipo, perfect location for special occasions and exclusive events.

Overlooking the beautiful bay of Naples, the Villa Vittoria offers the ideal space to host their wedding reception and to create unforgettable holidays. The picturesque landscape, which creates the right atmosphere, complete with impeccable service staff, helpful and attentive to our every request and requirement of the client.

Villa Vittoria has hosted many wedding receptions , all modeled on the personal tastes and preferences of the customer. The only goal of the staff is to transform the wedding the most beautiful day of your life and an unforgettable day for your guests.

In addition to weddings, the Villa Victoria Posillipo provides plenty of space for conferences, private and exclusive. Again, there is no fixed pattern of receipt, but the event is created based on the demands and preferences of the client and his guests.

Villa Vittoria is also known for its cuisine, renowned throughout the country and valued for its ability to bind the flavors of traditional innovation of modern cuisine: an event organized in this exclusive Naples location will become the perfect opportunity to sample the dishes of local cuisine. Traditional tastes can be linked with, or replace, the menu more details, such as dishes that recall the ethnic tradition.

For those who wish, the staff at Villa Vittoria can prepare exhibitions and shows striking to entertain the guests and surprise them with a touch of originality.

The maximum number of Ospiti was set at four. The villa will not be made available to more customers on the same day, to make the event even more exclusive and to ensure the guests maximum freedom.

Villa Vittoria is now claimed as one of the most popular locations in Naples and is proud of the satisfaction of customers who have chosen to organize their own event here.

Comunicato di Avatar di DarrelWileyDarrelWiley | Pubblicato Sabato, 08-Ago-2015 | Categoria: Arte-Cultura
Tags: villa
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