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Comunicati stampa dell'utente: IOT360

Summit IOT360: the Gateway to Innovation – Rome, Italy – 28,29 October 2014

The European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) with the patronage of the European Commission - Representation in Italy and in collaboration with Fraunhofer Fokus Institute, La Sapienza University, IBM, INSME and CREATE-NET Institute Organizes the Summit " IoT360: the Gateway to Innovation " , taking place in Rome, Italy on the 28th and 29th of October 2014. IoT360 is in ITS first edition and Focuses Entirely on IoT Bringing a 360 degree perspective on IoT-related projects and [...]

Comunicato di Avatar di IOT360IOT360 | Pubblicato Domenica, 24-Ago-2014 | Categoria: Eventi
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